SQL Interview Questions

41 Questions


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Question 21

What is the difference between DELETE, TRUNCATE, and DROP?


In SQL, DELETE, TRUNCATE, and DROP are commands used to remove data or database objects. They serve different purposes and have different behaviors and implications.


The DELETE statement is used to remove specific rows from a table based on a condition. It is part of the Data Manipulation Language (DML).

  • Syntax:

    DELETE FROM table_name WHERE condition;
  • Example:

    DELETE FROM employees WHERE employee_id = 101;
  • Characteristics:

    • Row-by-Row Deletion: Deletes rows one at a time based on the condition.
    • Can Use WHERE Clause: Allows selective deletion of rows.
    • Transaction Safe: Can be rolled back if used within a transaction.
    • Triggers: Can activate triggers defined on the table.
    • Performance: Slower for large tables compared to TRUNCATE.


The TRUNCATE statement is used to remove all rows from a table, effectively resetting the table to its empty state. It is part of the Data Definition Language (DDL).

  • Syntax:

    TRUNCATE TABLE table_name;
  • Example:

    TRUNCATE TABLE employees;
  • Characteristics:

    • Removes All Rows: Deletes all rows in the table without logging individual row deletions.
    • No WHERE Clause: Cannot be used to delete specific rows.
    • Faster: Generally faster than DELETE for large tables because it uses fewer system and transaction log resources.
    • Resets Identity Column: Resets any auto-increment counters on the table.
    • Transaction Safe: Can be rolled back if used within a transaction in some databases (e.g., SQL Server).
    • Triggers: Does not activate DELETE triggers, but some databases have TRUNCATE triggers.


The DROP statement is used to remove entire database objects, such as tables, views, indexes, or databases. It is part of the Data Definition Language (DDL).

  • Syntax:

    DROP TABLE table_name;
  • Example:

    DROP TABLE employees;
  • Characteristics:

    • Removes Entire Object: Completely removes the table and its data, as well as any associated indexes, constraints, and triggers.
    • Irrecoverable: Cannot be rolled back once executed, except within a transaction in some databases.
    • Removes Dependencies: May fail if there are dependencies, such as foreign key constraints.
    • DDL Command: Affects the schema of the database.

Summary Table

Operation Deletes specific rows Removes all rows Removes entire table
WHERE Clause Yes No No
Logging Logs individual row deletions Minimal logging No logging
Speed Slower for large tables Faster for large tables Fast
Identity Column Reset No Yes Not applicable
Triggers Activates DELETE triggers Does not activate DELETE triggers Not applicable
Transaction Safe Yes Depends on DBMS Depends on DBMS
Schema Changes No No Yes
Use Case Selective row deletion Quickly remove all rows Remove table structure


Understanding the differences between DELETE, TRUNCATE, and DROP is crucial for database management. Use DELETE for selective row removal, TRUNCATE for quickly clearing all rows from a table while keeping its structure, and DROP for completely removing database objects. Each command serves a different purpose and has its own implications, so choose the appropriate one based on your requirements.

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