SQL Interview Questions

41 Questions


BackendWeb DevelopmentData Science

Question 20

What is a deadlock in SQL? How can it be resolved?


A deadlock in SQL occurs when two or more transactions are waiting for each other to release locks on resources, such as rows, tables, or other database objects, creating a cycle of dependencies that prevents any of the transactions from proceeding. Deadlocks are a specific type of resource contention that can bring transactions to a halt, as each transaction is waiting for a resource that another transaction holds, resulting in a standstill.

Example of a Deadlock

Consider two transactions, T1 and T2:

  1. Transaction T1:

    UPDATE Accounts SET Balance = Balance - 100 WHERE AccountID = 1;
    -- T1 now waits for AccountID = 2
    UPDATE Accounts SET Balance = Balance + 100 WHERE AccountID = 2;
  2. Transaction T2:

    UPDATE Accounts SET Balance = Balance - 100 WHERE AccountID = 2;
    -- T2 now waits for AccountID = 1
    UPDATE Accounts SET Balance = Balance + 100 WHERE AccountID = 1;

In this scenario:

  • T1 locks AccountID = 1 and waits for AccountID = 2.
  • T2 locks AccountID = 2 and waits for AccountID = 1.
  • Neither transaction can proceed, resulting in a deadlock.

How to Resolve Deadlocks

Resolving deadlocks involves breaking the cycle of dependencies and ensuring that transactions can complete without indefinitely waiting for each other. Here are several strategies to resolve and prevent deadlocks:

1. Deadlock Detection and Resolution

Most database management systems (DBMS) have built-in mechanisms to detect deadlocks and automatically resolve them by choosing a victim transaction to roll back.

  • Automatic Deadlock Detection:
    • The DBMS periodically checks for cycles in the lock dependency graph.
    • Upon detecting a deadlock, the DBMS chooses a victim transaction to roll back, freeing the resources and allowing the other transaction(s) to proceed.

2. Transaction Timeout

Set a timeout for transactions to prevent long waits.

  • Setting Timeout:
    • Configure a timeout period for transactions. If a transaction cannot acquire the necessary locks within the timeout period, it is rolled back.
    SET LOCK_TIMEOUT 1000; -- Set lock timeout to 1000 milliseconds

3. Lock Ordering

Ensure that transactions acquire locks in a consistent order to avoid circular dependencies.

  • Consistent Lock Order:
    • Design transactions to always acquire locks in the same order. For example, always lock AccountID = 1 before AccountID = 2.

4. Minimize Lock Duration

Reduce the time that transactions hold locks by keeping transactions short and efficient.

  • Short Transactions:
    • Break large transactions into smaller, more manageable units.
    • Perform necessary computations outside the transaction scope.

5. Use Lower Isolation Levels

Lower isolation levels can reduce the likelihood of deadlocks but may increase the risk of other concurrency issues like dirty reads.

  • Isolation Levels:
    • Use READ COMMITTED or READ UNCOMMITTED isolation levels where appropriate to reduce lock contention.

6. Optimistic Concurrency Control

Use optimistic concurrency control mechanisms to avoid locking resources until necessary.

  • Optimistic Locking:
    • Instead of acquiring locks immediately, check for conflicts before committing the transaction.
    • Use versioning or timestamps to detect conflicts and retry transactions if necessary.

Example: Resolving a Deadlock

Using transaction timeout to avoid a deadlock:

-- Transaction T1
SET LOCK_TIMEOUT 1000; -- Set lock timeout to 1000 milliseconds
UPDATE Accounts SET Balance = Balance - 100 WHERE AccountID = 1;
UPDATE Accounts SET Balance = Balance + 100 WHERE AccountID = 2;

-- Transaction T2
SET LOCK_TIMEOUT 1000; -- Set lock timeout to 1000 milliseconds
UPDATE Accounts SET Balance = Balance - 100 WHERE AccountID = 2;
UPDATE Accounts SET Balance = Balance + 100 WHERE AccountID = 1;


Deadlocks in SQL can severely impact database performance and application functionality. By understanding how deadlocks occur and employing strategies such as deadlock detection and resolution, transaction timeouts, lock ordering, and optimizing transaction duration, you can effectively manage and resolve deadlocks in SQL databases. Implementing these strategies ensures smoother transaction processing and enhances the overall reliability of your database system.

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