SQL Interview Questions

41 Questions


BackendWeb DevelopmentData Science

Question 23

Explain the difference between CHAR and VARCHAR.


CHAR and VARCHAR are data types in SQL used to store character strings. While they may seem similar, there are key differences in how they store and manage data.


CHAR (short for "character") is a fixed-length character data type. When you define a CHAR column, you specify its length, and all values stored in this column will occupy that fixed length. If the length of the data is less than the defined length, the remaining space is padded with spaces.


  1. Fixed Length: The length of the data is fixed, and any value stored in the column will always take up the defined space.
  2. Padding: Shorter strings are padded with spaces to match the specified length.
  3. Storage Efficiency: Can be less efficient for varying-length data but more efficient for uniformly sized data.
  4. Performance: Can be faster for fixed-length data due to the fixed storage requirement, making it easier for the database to manage and retrieve the data.


CREATE TABLE example_char (
    fixed_length CHAR(10)

INSERT INTO example_char (fixed_length) VALUES ('Hello');
-- The stored value will be 'Hello     ' (padded with 5 spaces).


VARCHAR (short for "variable character") is a variable-length character data type. When you define a VARCHAR column, you specify the maximum length, but the actual storage size depends on the length of the data inserted. No padding is added.


  1. Variable Length: The length of the data can vary up to the specified maximum length.
  2. No Padding: Only the actual length of the data is stored, without any additional spaces.
  3. Storage Efficiency: More efficient for varying-length data as it only uses the space required for the data.
  4. Performance: Can be slower than CHAR for fixed-length data due to the additional overhead of managing variable-length records.


CREATE TABLE example_varchar (
    variable_length VARCHAR(10)

INSERT INTO example_varchar (variable_length) VALUES ('Hello');
-- The stored value will be 'Hello' without any padding.

Key Differences

  1. Length Management:

    • CHAR: Fixed length, pads with spaces if the data is shorter than the defined length.
    • VARCHAR: Variable length, stores only the actual length of the data.
  2. Storage Requirements:

    • CHAR: Uses a consistent amount of storage for each value, regardless of the actual data length.
    • VARCHAR: Uses storage proportional to the actual data length plus a small overhead for storing the length of the data.
  3. Performance:

    • CHAR: Can be faster for fixed-length data as it allows more predictable and consistent storage access patterns.
    • VARCHAR: Can be more efficient for varying-length data but may incur a slight performance penalty due to the variable storage management.
  4. Use Cases:

    • CHAR: Suitable for storing data where the length is known and consistent, such as fixed-length codes (e.g., country codes, fixed-size identifiers).
    • VARCHAR: Suitable for storing data where the length varies significantly, such as names, addresses, and descriptions.

Practical Considerations

  • Data Consistency: Use CHAR when the data length is consistent and fixed. This can help in maintaining consistent data storage and potentially improve query performance.
  • Data Flexibility: Use VARCHAR when the data length varies, as it provides flexibility and can save storage space for shorter data entries.

Example Comparison

Consider a table to store user names:

  • Using CHAR:

    CREATE TABLE users_char (
        username CHAR(20)
    INSERT INTO users_char (username) VALUES ('Alice');
    -- Stored as 'Alice               ' (padded with spaces).
  • Using VARCHAR:

    CREATE TABLE users_varchar (
        username VARCHAR(20)
    INSERT INTO users_varchar (username) VALUES ('Alice');
    -- Stored as 'Alice' (no padding).


CHAR and VARCHAR are both used to store character strings, but they differ in how they handle and store data. CHAR is fixed-length and pads shorter strings with spaces, making it suitable for consistent-length data. VARCHAR is variable-length and stores only the actual data, making it suitable for varying-length data. Understanding these differences helps in choosing the right data type based on the specific requirements of your database schema and application.

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