CSS Interview Questions

28 Questions


Web DevelopmentFrontend

Question 12

How does CSS inheritance work? What properties are inherited by default?


CSS Inheritance

Inheritance in CSS refers to the mechanism by which certain properties are passed down from a parent element to its child elements in the DOM (Document Object Model). When a property is inherited, the child elements automatically take on the value of that property from their parent, unless a different value is explicitly specified for the child.

How Inheritance Works

  1. Inherited Properties:

    • Certain CSS properties are naturally inherited from parent elements. These properties typically relate to text and font styling, such as color, font-family, font-size, line-height, etc.
    • If a child element does not have a specific rule defined for an inheritable property, it will inherit the value from its parent.
  2. Non-Inherited Properties:

    • Most properties related to the box model, layout, positioning, background, and borders are not inherited. For example, margin, padding, border, width, and height are not inherited by default.
    • For non-inherited properties, child elements will use either their initial value (the default value defined by the CSS specification) or a value explicitly set by CSS.
  3. Explicit Inheritance:

    • You can explicitly set a property to be inherited using the inherit keyword. This forces a child element to inherit a property value from its parent, even if the property is non-inherited by default.
    • Example:
      p {
          background-color: inherit; /* Inherits the background-color from its parent */

Example of Inherited Properties

Consider the following HTML and CSS:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
        body {
            font-family: Arial, sans-serif; /* Inherited by child elements */
            color: blue; /* Inherited by child elements */
            margin: 20px; /* Not inherited */

        p {
            font-size: 16px; /* Inherited by child elements */

        span {
            font-style: italic; /* Inherited by child elements */
    <title>CSS Inheritance Example</title>
    <p>This is a paragraph with <span>some italic text</span> inside it.</p>
  • Inherited Properties:

    • The font-family and color properties set on the body element will be inherited by the p element and the span element inside it. So, the text color will be blue, and the font family will be Arial.
    • The font-size set on the p element will be inherited by the span element inside it, making the text size 16px.
  • Non-Inherited Property:

    • The margin property set on the body is not inherited, so the p element does not receive a margin value from the body.

Properties That Are Inherited by Default

Some common properties that are inherited by default include:

  • Text and Font Properties:

    • color
    • font-family
    • font-size
    • font-style
    • font-weight
    • line-height
    • text-align
    • text-indent
    • text-transform
    • letter-spacing
    • word-spacing
    • white-space
  • Other Inherited Properties:

    • visibility
    • cursor
    • list-style
    • quotes

Non-Inherited Properties (Require Explicit Assignment)

Some common non-inherited properties include:

  • Box Model Properties:

    • margin
    • padding
    • border
    • width
    • height
    • display
  • Layout Properties:

    • position
    • top, right, bottom, left
    • float
    • clear
    • z-index
  • Background Properties:

    • background-color
    • background-image
    • background-position
    • background-repeat
    • background-size
  • Other Non-Inherited Properties:

    • opacity
    • overflow
    • box-shadow
    • transform
    • text-shadow

Overriding Inherited Properties

Inherited properties can be overridden by specifying a different value in the child element’s CSS.


p {
    color: red; /* Overrides inherited color */

In the above example, even if the parent element (e.g., body) has a color of blue, the p element will display its text in red because the inherited property is overridden.


  • CSS Inheritance allows child elements to inherit certain properties from their parent elements, simplifying style management.
  • Inherited Properties include most text-related properties, while layout and box-model properties are generally not inherited.
  • Explicit Inheritance can be enforced using the inherit keyword, and inherited properties can be overridden by specifying a different value in the child element.

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