C# Interview Questions

36 Questions
C# Programming

C# Programming

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Question 35

What is garbage collection in C#?


Garbage collection (GC) in C# is an automatic memory management feature provided by the .NET runtime. It helps manage the allocation and release of memory in applications, freeing developers from the need to manually allocate and deallocate memory. The primary goal of garbage collection is to reclaim memory occupied by objects that are no longer in use by the application, thereby preventing memory leaks and optimizing the use of available memory.

Key Concepts of Garbage Collection

  1. Automatic Memory Management:

    • The GC automatically handles the allocation and deallocation of memory, reducing the risk of memory leaks and dangling pointers.
  2. Managed Heap:

    • The GC manages a portion of memory known as the managed heap, where all reference types are allocated.
  3. Generations:

    • The GC organizes objects into generations (Gen 0, Gen 1, and Gen 2) to optimize the collection process. Newly allocated objects are placed in Gen 0, and as they survive garbage collection cycles, they are promoted to higher generations.
  4. Non-deterministic Finalization:

    • The exact time when the GC will reclaim an object is not deterministic. However, developers can use the IDisposable interface and the using statement to ensure timely resource cleanup.

How Garbage Collection Works

  1. Allocation:

    • When a new object is created, memory for the object is allocated on the managed heap. The GC keeps track of all allocated objects and their references.
  2. Mark and Sweep:

    • The GC performs a mark-and-sweep algorithm to identify objects that are no longer reachable. It marks all reachable objects (those that are referenced directly or indirectly by the application), and then sweeps through the heap to reclaim memory occupied by unmarked objects.
  3. Compaction:

    • After reclaiming memory, the GC compacts the remaining objects to reduce fragmentation and improve memory allocation performance. This process involves moving objects in memory, which updates their references.
  4. Generations:

    • Objects are organized into generations to optimize the collection process. The GC focuses on collecting younger generations (Gen 0) more frequently, as they tend to contain short-lived objects. Older generations (Gen 1 and Gen 2) are collected less frequently, as they tend to contain long-lived objects.

Generations Explained

  • Generation 0 (Gen 0):
    • Contains short-lived objects, such as temporary variables. GC occurs most frequently in this generation.
  • Generation 1 (Gen 1):
    • Serves as a buffer between short-lived (Gen 0) and long-lived objects (Gen 2). Objects that survive a Gen 0 collection are promoted to Gen 1.
  • Generation 2 (Gen 2):
    • Contains long-lived objects, such as static data and objects that survive multiple garbage collection cycles. Gen 2 collections are less frequent but more comprehensive.

Example: Forcing Garbage Collection

While it's generally not recommended to manually trigger garbage collection, you can force a GC using the GC.Collect method for demonstration purposes.


using System;

public class Program
    public static void Main()
        // Create a new object
        object obj = new object();

        // Force garbage collection

        Console.WriteLine("Garbage collection completed.");

Using the IDisposable Interface

For resources that require explicit cleanup, such as file handles or database connections, implement the IDisposable interface and use the Dispose method to release resources.


using System;

public class ResourceHolder : IDisposable
    private bool disposed = false;

    public void UseResource()
        if (disposed)
            throw new ObjectDisposedException("ResourceHolder");

        // Use the resource
        Console.WriteLine("Resource in use.");

    public void Dispose()

    protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
        if (!disposed)
            if (disposing)
                // Release managed resources

            // Release unmanaged resources
            disposed = true;


public class Program
    public static void Main()
        using (var resource = new ResourceHolder())
        } // Dispose is called automatically here

        Console.WriteLine("Resource disposed.");

Best Practices for Garbage Collection

  1. Use IDisposable and using Statements:

    • Implement the IDisposable interface for classes that hold unmanaged resources and use the using statement to ensure timely disposal of resources.
  2. Avoid Forcing Garbage Collection:

    • Let the GC manage memory automatically. Forcing garbage collection can disrupt the optimized collection process and impact performance.
  3. Minimize Object Allocations:

    • Reduce the frequency of object allocations, especially for short-lived objects, to minimize the workload for the GC.
  4. Use Weak References:

    • Use weak references (WeakReference) for objects that should not prevent garbage collection, such as cache entries.


Garbage collection in C# is an automatic memory management feature that optimizes the allocation and deallocation of memory, preventing memory leaks and ensuring efficient use of resources. The GC manages the managed heap, organizes objects into generations, and uses algorithms like mark-and-sweep and compaction to reclaim memory. By following best practices and using features like IDisposable and using statements, developers can write efficient and resource-friendly applications.

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