C# Interview Questions

36 Questions
C# Programming

C# Programming

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Question 32

What are attributes in C#?


Attributes in C# are a powerful feature that allows you to add metadata to your code. This metadata can provide additional information about the elements (classes, methods, properties, etc.) it applies to. Attributes can be used for various purposes, such as providing descriptive information, controlling the behavior of elements, and influencing the way code is handled at runtime.

Key Concepts of Attributes

  1. Metadata:

    • Attributes add metadata to program elements like classes, methods, properties, fields, etc.
    • This metadata can be accessed at runtime using reflection.
  2. Declaration:

    • Attributes are declared by placing them in square brackets ([]) above the target element.
  3. Built-in and Custom Attributes:

    • C# provides a range of built-in attributes. Developers can also create custom attributes by inheriting from the System.Attribute class.

Using Built-in Attributes

Example: [Obsolete] Attribute

The [Obsolete] attribute is used to mark program elements as obsolete, indicating that they should not be used and may be removed in future versions.


public class MyClass
    [Obsolete("Use NewMethod instead.")]
    public void OldMethod()
        Console.WriteLine("Old method");

    public void NewMethod()
        Console.WriteLine("New method");

public class Program
    public static void Main()
        MyClass obj = new MyClass();
        obj.OldMethod(); // This will produce a compile-time warning

Example: [Serializable] Attribute

The [Serializable] attribute is used to mark a class as serializable, allowing its instances to be serialized and deserialized.


public class Person
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public int Age { get; set; }

public class Program
    public static void Main()
        Person person = new Person { Name = "John", Age = 30 };
        // Serialization logic here

Creating Custom Attributes

Custom attributes can be created by inheriting from the System.Attribute class.

Example: Custom Attribute

Step 1: Define the Attribute:

[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Method)]
public class AuthorAttribute : Attribute
    public string Name { get; }
    public string Version { get; }

    public AuthorAttribute(string name, string version)
        Name = name;
        Version = version;

Step 2: Apply the Attribute:

[Author("John Doe", "1.0")]
public class SampleClass
    [Author("Jane Doe", "1.1")]
    public void SampleMethod()
        Console.WriteLine("Sample method");

public class Program
    public static void Main()
        // Use reflection to retrieve attribute information
        var type = typeof(SampleClass);
        var classAttributes = type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AuthorAttribute), false);

        foreach (AuthorAttribute attr in classAttributes)
            Console.WriteLine($"Class {type.Name} Author: {attr.Name}, Version: {attr.Version}");

        var method = type.GetMethod("SampleMethod");
        var methodAttributes = method.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AuthorAttribute), false);

        foreach (AuthorAttribute attr in methodAttributes)
            Console.WriteLine($"Method {method.Name} Author: {attr.Name}, Version: {attr.Version}");

Attribute Usage

Attributes can be applied to various program elements, including classes, methods, properties, fields, and more. The AttributeUsage attribute can be used to specify the valid targets and other usage constraints for a custom attribute.


[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Method, Inherited = false, AllowMultiple = true)]
public class SampleAttribute : Attribute
    // Attribute logic here

Accessing Attribute Information

Attributes can be accessed at runtime using reflection. The System.Reflection namespace provides classes and methods to retrieve attribute information from program elements.


var type = typeof(SampleClass);
var attributes = type.GetCustomAttributes(false);

foreach (var attribute in attributes)

Commonly Used Built-in Attributes

  1. [Obsolete]: Marks elements as obsolete.
  2. [Serializable]: Marks a class as serializable.
  3. [DebuggerStepThrough]: Instructs the debugger to step through the code rather than into it.
  4. [DllImport]: Used to import a method from an unmanaged DLL.
  5. [Conditional]: Specifies that a method call is included or omitted depending on the presence of a specified compilation symbol.


Attributes in C# are a powerful feature that adds metadata to your program elements, enabling you to control their behavior and influence how they are handled at runtime. Built-in attributes provide essential functionalities like marking elements as obsolete or serializable, while custom attributes allow you to define your own metadata. By leveraging attributes, you can create more expressive, maintainable, and flexible code.

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