C++ Interview Questions

22 Questions
C++ Programming

C++ Programming

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Question 20

What are 'explicit' constructors in C++ and why are they useful? Provide an example.


In C++, constructors can be marked with the explicit keyword to prevent implicit conversions and copy-initialization that could otherwise lead to unexpected behavior. Explicit constructors ensure that the compiler does not automatically use them to perform type conversions, which can enhance code safety and clarity.

An explicit constructor is defined using the explicit keyword before the constructor declaration. This keyword tells the compiler that the constructor should not be used for implicit conversions. Explicit constructors are particularly useful in scenarios where implicit conversions could lead to ambiguous or unintended behavior.

Consider the following example of a class without an explicit constructor:

class MyClass {
    MyClass(int x) : m_value(x) {}
    int m_value;

void func(MyClass obj) {
    // Do something with obj

int main() {
    func(42); // Implicit conversion from int to MyClass
    return 0;

In this example, the MyClass constructor can be used to implicitly convert an int to a MyClass object. The call to func(42) implicitly creates a MyClass object from the integer 42. While this might seem convenient, it can lead to unexpected behavior, especially in more complex codebases where implicit conversions might not be obvious.

Now consider the same example with an explicit constructor:

class MyClass {
    explicit MyClass(int x) : m_value(x) {}
    int m_value;

void func(MyClass obj) {
    // Do something with obj

int main() {
    // func(42); // Error: no implicit conversion from int to MyClass
    func(MyClass(42)); // Explicit conversion
    return 0;

In this example, the MyClass constructor is marked as explicit. This prevents the compiler from using it for implicit conversions. The call to func(42) now results in a compilation error, forcing the programmer to explicitly create a MyClass object with func(MyClass(42)). This makes the conversion clear and intentional, reducing the risk of bugs and misunderstandings.

Explicit constructors are particularly important in situations where implicit conversions could lead to loss of information or unexpected behavior. For example, consider a class that represents a ratio of two integers:

class Ratio {
    explicit Ratio(int numerator, int denominator) : m_numerator(numerator), m_denominator(denominator) {}
    int m_numerator;
    int m_denominator;

void printRatio(const Ratio& ratio) {
    // Print the ratio

int main() {
    // printRatio(3, 4); // Error: no implicit conversion
    printRatio(Ratio(3, 4)); // Explicit conversion
    return 0;

In this example, the Ratio constructor is marked as explicit. This prevents implicit conversions from pairs of integers to Ratio objects, which could lead to confusion or incorrect results. By requiring explicit conversions, the code becomes clearer and more robust.

Explicit constructors also play a crucial role in template programming and overload resolution. They help ensure that the correct constructors are called and that type conversions are explicit and intentional. This can simplify the code and make it easier to understand and maintain.

In summary, explicit constructors in C++ are used to prevent implicit conversions and copy-initialization that could lead to unintended behavior. By marking constructors as explicit, programmers can ensure that type conversions are intentional and explicit, enhancing code safety and clarity. Explicit constructors are particularly useful in scenarios where implicit conversions could lead to ambiguity or loss of information, making them an important tool for writing robust and maintainable C++ code.

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